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  • 忍術京都・戸隠流忍法・忍術クラスのオンライン予約

    京都の忍術不動心道場では 初見良昭先生の真の忍術を教えています。自然豊かな環境の中で、戸隠流忍法の全ての技術を学び、実践していただけます。忍耐と努力を重ねることで、素手での戦い方、移動術、隠密行動のためのジャンプや回転技、さらに忍者の武器の使い方を習得できます。忍者の古代の技を極め、あなたの本当の潜在能力を発見するために、ぜひご参加ください。

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Blog Posts (4)

  • What Are the Fundamental Principles of Togakure-ryu Ninpo ?

    Togakure-ryu Ninpo (戸隠流忍法) , founded over 900 years ago by Daisuke Nishina , is one of the oldest and most respected schools of ninjutsu . This school transcends simple martial techniques, offering a comprehensive approach that emphasizes the development of the body, mind, and spirit. The ninjas of Togakure-ryu were survival masters, capable of adapting to any situation. Below are the fundamental principles that define this ancient art. 1. Ninpo (忍法): The Art of Survival Ninpo  is the very essence of Togakure-ryu . It represents not only the techniques of the ninja but also a philosophy of life centered on endurance, resilience, and adaptability. In a dangerous and unpredictable world, the ninja must exercise self-control, mental flexibility, and full mastery of their body to survive. Ninpo  teaches the ability to adapt to any environment, whether in nature or in combat, to turn every situation to their advantage. 2. Happo Biken (八法秘剣): The Eight Secret Rules of the Sword Unlike the Iga and Koga schools, which teach the Hachimon (八門) or eight disciplines, the Togakure-ryu focuses on Happo Biken (八法秘剣) , meaning "the eight secret rules of the sword." This concept covers not only sword techniques ( Daito , long sword, and Kodachi , short sword) but also other survival skills such as: Gunryaku (軍略) : Military strategy. Tenmon (天文) : Observation and understanding of celestial phenomena. Chimon (地文) : Study of geography and earthly environments. Shurikenjutsu (手裏剣術) : The art of throwing shurikens. Senbannage-jutsu (千羽投げ術) : Techniques for throwing lightweight objects like needles. Tonpo (遁法) : Techniques of evasion and concealment. Bo-jutsu (棒術) and Jō-jutsu (杖術) : Mastery of long and short staffs. Naginatajutsu (薙刀術) : Use of the naginata (halberd). Rokushakubo-jutsu (六尺棒術) : Use of the six-foot staff. Sojutsu (槍術) : Spear techniques. Kisha-jutsu (騎射術) : Horseback archery. These disciplines equip the ninja with a wide range of skills to survive and fight in various environments. 3. Seishin Teki Kyoyo (精神的教養): Spiritual Education Seishin Teki Kyoyo , or spiritual development, plays a crucial role in Togakure-ryu . A ninja must not only be physically strong but also mentally resilient. The character Nin (忍) , composed of "blade" ( 刃 ) and "heart" ( 心 ), symbolizes the ability to endure pain and hardship while maintaining composure. Ninjas are expected to hide their suffering and remain focused on their mission. This principle teaches mental endurance and self-discipline, essential for overcoming challenges. 4. Shin Gi Tai Ichi (心技体一): The Unity of Mind, Technique, and Body Togakure-ryu emphasizes the harmony between the mind (Shin) , technique (Gi) , and body (Tai) . This concept, known as Shin Gi Tai Ichi , signifies that the unity of these three elements is essential for mastering ninjutsu. A ninja must learn to control their thoughts, execute their techniques with precision, and maintain their physical condition to be effective in any situation. This balance allows the ninja to respond quickly and appropriately in dangerous moments. 5. In-Nin and Yo-Nin (陰忍・陽忍): The Two Forms of Stealth The ninjas of Togakure-ryu use two forms of stealth: In-Nin (陰忍) : Hidden stealth, where the ninja completely blends into their environment. Yo-Nin (陽忍) : Visible stealth, where the ninja deceives their enemy by acting openly but under disguise or false identity. These techniques allow the ninja to operate effectively in any situation, whether for espionage, infiltration, or avoiding danger. 6. Kyojitsu Tenkan Hō (虚実転換法): The Art of Illusion and Reality Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho is the art of switching between illusion and reality. A Togakure-ryu ninja must be able to manipulate the perceptions of their opponent, creating distractions or false appearances to gain a strategic advantage. This technique is used to confuse the enemy and protect the ninja in perilous situations. 7. Intonjutsu (隠遁術): The Art of Escape Togakure-ryu places great importance on Intonjutsu , the art of concealment and escape. Unlike other martial arts that prioritize direct confrontation, Togakure-ryu teaches that the best strategy is sometimes to disappear, avoid combat, or hide to survive and complete the mission. The ninja uses the environment to their advantage to escape from enemies. 8. Senban Shuriken and Ninja Equipment The ninjas of Togakure-ryu used specialized equipment, including the Senban Shuriken , a square four-bladed throwing star. This shuriken was designed to be both a weapon and a versatile tool, reflecting the idea that every piece of ninja equipment should serve multiple functions. Ninjas also used Shuko (climbing claws) to scale walls or for defensive purposes in combat. 9. The Influence of Mikkyo and Kuji-in Togakure-ryu is deeply influenced by Mikkyo , a form of esoteric Buddhism, and the practice of Kuji-in (九字印) , nine symbolic gestures and mantras. These spiritual practices help strengthen the ninja’s mind, enhance self-control, and improve focus in extreme situations. Conclusion Togakure-ryu Ninpo is a complete martial art that combines sophisticated martial techniques, deep spiritual philosophy, and a unique approach to survival and adaptability. Mastery of the balance between body and mind, the art of stealth, and the manipulation of illusion and reality lie at the core of this traditional martial art. These fundamental principles are taught and demonstrated in my YouTube videos on my channel dedicated to Togakure-ryu Ninpo. I hold classes every Sunday from 10 a.m. in the cherry blossom forest, "桜の森." You can join me, Jerome Pailliette, instructor and head of 忍術京都道場, to discover and deepen your understanding of these ancient techniques adapted for the modern world.

  • What are the secret Ninjutsu techniques of Togakure-ryū Ninpo?

    Togakure-ryu Ninpo is an ancient school that teaches secret techniques such as stealth, information gathering, and escape for ninja survival

  • The Teachings of Master Hatsumi Masaaki: Reflection and Insights on Gratitude Towards Parents and the Power of Prayers

    September 29, 2024, is a special day. Today marks exactly 17 years since Master Hatsumi Masaaki, 34th Soke of Togakure Ryu Ninpo, wrote a deeply personal and touching text on September 29, 2007. This message reflects on childhood memories, health struggles, and, above all, the love and protection received from his parents. In his reflection, Master Hatsumi Masaaki recalls how his father, who worked at Tsukiji fish market, prayed for his health and built a large lion-shaped palanquin (a sacred palanquin to protect him from illness and misfortune) and another sacred palanquin in the shape of a frog. These images of the sacred palanquins remain vividly engraved in the heart of the master, symbolizing the love and dedication of his parents through the prayers they offered to protect him. The Power of Parental Love The words of Master Hatsumi Masaaki remind us how important parental love, prayers, and the protective actions of our parents are in our lives. Throughout life, we often face challenges, health issues, or moments of uncertainty. It is during these times that we most strongly feel the impact of the prayers offered by those who love us, just as Master Hatsumi experienced through his own upbringing. Our parents, whether they are still with us or have passed on, continue to influence our lives through their teachings, love, and guidance. This unconditional love and prayer support us, even when we may not visibly see it. Their actions, whether physical or spiritual, serve as essential pillars in our growth and inner peace. The Importance of Gratitude As we reflect on this day, it is important to recognize the significance of gratitude. Acknowledging and being grateful for the love and sacrifices of our parents is not only a way to honor them but also a means of deepening our own inner peace and stability. Gratitude strengthens us and provides greater calm as we face daily challenges. Master Hatsumi Masaaki also prayed for the world to be "umaku" (all right, 馬九), using a wordplay involving "nine horses," a reference to Kukishin-ryu. This prayer for harmony and balance in the world encourages us to recognize the spiritual connection between our personal lives and the larger world. Original Text by Master Hatsumi Masaaki: "When my mother was in school she was a good student, beautiful, and loved to play tennis. My father was a wholesale fishmonger at Tsukiji fish market and had a typical 'Edokko' character; he also loved women and sake. So, of course, through that influence I ended up loving the same things. When I was very young I was quite ill because of my weak constitution. My father prayed for me to be healthy, and so he built a big lion as a sacred palanquin (to protect me from illness and misfortune); he also built me a sacred palanquin that was a frog. The image of those sacred palanquins is still fondly burned in my heart. My father once said, 'Tokyo is a place where even the eye of a live horse would be pulled out.' When looking at the eyes of my beloved horses Cooky and Tobi, I remember those words of my father. I pray the world will be all right (umaku, 馬九—a pun on the word for 'all right,' written here with the characters for nine horses, relating back to Kukishin-ryu). Written on the day of the tiger, the 29th day of the 9th month of the 19th year of Heisei. —(signed) Venerable White Dragon" Conclusion On this September 29, 2024, we honor the parents who continue to love and protect us, and we express our deep gratitude for their love and care. They have given us the strength to overcome challenges and continue walking the path of life. Let us carry the wisdom and love they have passed down to us and pray for the world to find harmony and balance, as peace fills our hearts.

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Other Pages (6)

  • Home | NinjutsuKyoto | Ninja Art | Togakure Ryu Ninpo

    Nice to meet you, my name is Pailliette Jerome borned in France. Since 2006, I have been teaching Hatsumi Masaaki Sensei (the 34th Soke) of Togakure-ryu Ninpo in Kyoto.🔥The world has become unstable and the number of crimes has increased, and Japan is not safe and secure.I have to protect my family and myself and my life. Even women need ninja, martial arts, and ninja self-defense techniques! Ninjutsu is an ancient ninja martial art. What about The Ninja,Shinobi no mono ? What is a true Ninja? The Ninja, or shadow warrior, is often misrepresented in Ukiyo-e and manga, depicted holding a scroll of parchment Makimono in his mouth, interlacing his fingers to perform mudras seals and reciting magical formulas "Mantras," then disappearing magically in a thick white smoke. One might believe this scene to be real, but the true Ninja surpasses this simple folkloric representation of Japanese art. According to the grand master Hatsumi Masaaki, being a Ninja nowadays is above all about living fully in the present moment, being alive here and now, and being grateful for creation and the creator. Then, it is about adapting to all circumstances, controlling one's mind, body, and especially negative emotions, while preserving oneself from danger and being constantly vigilant and fair in one's actions and way of thinking. The history of Ninjas or Shinobi no mono is long and ancient, full of mysteries. The origin of the Ninja remains obscure and unknown to this day, even for the greatest Japanese experts and researchers. The Bansenshukai, the Ninpiden, and the Shoninki, the three greatest collections of Ninjutsu and Ninjas, were written during the peaceful Edo period. They relate espionage techniques but not hand-to-hand combat techniques (Ninpo Taijutsu). The earliest Japanese writings mentioning the espionage activities of the Shinobi no mono date back to the time of Emperor Jimmu Tenno, then to Prince Shotoku Taishi what is the real meaning of the japanese character 忍? The Japanese character "Nin" 忍 is also read as "shinobi." Above its own constantly wandering coarse spirit, there is the sharp blade of the sword, which indicates that one must be constantly vigilant in one's way of thinking and acting. The slightest negligence of a spirit, arrogant ego, or incorrect attitude can lead to death by the sword's cut. This is the true meaning of the term 忍"Nin" or "Shinobu" for Ninja,Ninpo & Ninjutsu. What's about Iga and Koga Ninjutsu Art ? In order to become an expert in their discipline, the ninjas from the Iga and Koga Ryu Ninjutsu schools had to undergo, from a very young age, the rigorous training taught by the Ninja Hachimon or Bugei Ryu Juhappan. In present-day Japan, it is sad to note that there are no longer any descendants or master heirs of the Iga and Koga ninja schools capable of perpetuating the tradition of ninjutsu. These schools, which played a crucial role in the history and culture of Japan, are unfortunately on the brink of extinction. This information is clearly stipulated and confirmed in the "Bugei Ryuha Daijiten, 武芸流派大辞典 " the comprehensive dictionary of Japanese traditional martial a rts What is the Togakure Ryu Ninpo Happo Biken jutsu ​? (Taijutsu, Hicho jutsu, Nawa jutsu, Karate Koppo jutsu , Jutaijutsu, So jutsu, Naginatajutsu, Bojutsu, Jojutsu,Hanbojutsu, Senban nage jutsu,Shuriken jutsu, Katon jutsu, Suiton jutsu, Gunryaku Heiho,Onshin jutsu) The Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu clinch techniques are applied using natural full-body movements combined with breathing techniques. Ninjutsu is a complete, unconventional and evolving survival warrior art, linking man to nature and including a variety of techniques, such as hand and foot techniques, techniques using weapons. Some of them are still alive today. The art of the Ninja is to acquire the sense of power to live! The Ninja of yesteryear valued mastery of techniques more than his own life. His only mission was to gather secret enemy information without being captured Ninjutsu Kyoto Fudoshin Dojo 忍法一貫🙏 NinjutsuKyoto Infos Hours and Place training Ninjutsu Kyoto Fudoshin Dojo TOGAKURE RYU NINPO Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu Class & Ninja Training Natural training place : Cherry blossom Forest (Takaragaike Park Kyoto,Kokusai Kaikan term inal sta tion) SCHEDULE & FEES Every Sunday: 10:00 to 12:00 Price: 2 hours_2 ,900 yen 1 month (4 times 11,000 yen) Experience fee_1,900 yen Admission fee_0 yen Ninja Kids Kyoto Suitable for 6 to 12 years old Every Thursday 16:30-17:30 Price: 1 hour _ 1,500 yen 1 month (4 times 5,000 yen) Experience fee_1,000 yen Admission fee_0 yen Ninja training clothes (made in Japan) _2,000 yen Youth class 12 to 18 years old In preparation, please request if you have any hope ​ Nin jutsu Kyoto private coach Ninjutsu & Physical & mental Trainer 1 hour_3,800 yen / 2 hours_6,800 yen 10 hours_35,000 yen / 20 hours_65,000 yen Notice: Ten Chi Jin Ryaku No Maki Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu Program Ninjutsu Techniques adapted to all types of individuals and builds ! ​🥷Kurama Yoshitsune Ryu Ninjutsu Ninjutsu Programs Ninja Kids Kyoto Kid Class Inspired by the Japanese tradition of ninjas, our Ninja classes for kids are designed to teach younger generations the fundamental values of Ninjutsu. Children will discover discipline, perseverance, respect, surpassing themselves, and self-confidence, while having fun with movements adapted to their age and abilities! Using the Ninja Kids Kyoto program, children learn to naturally use their bodies by learning animal movements, the fundamental basics of Ninjutsu such as walking and running stealthily and silently, jumping through games of endurance and agility. The spirit of Ninjutsu for the child consists of creating harmony of body, mind, technique, and its environment, of sharing with others sincere human relationships of empathy, compassion, wisdom , and friendship, to later approach more complex combat and spiritual techniques FACEBOOK | Instagram NinjutsuKyoto Adulte Class Our Ninjutsu classes for adults are suitable for all levels and take place in the old-fashioned way, in an exceptional setting in the middle of the cherry blossom forest of Sakura no Mori, north of Kyoto. By joining us, you will be immersed in the mysterious atmosphere of nature, while learning the authentic Ninja techniques and spirituality passed down by the only grandmaster of Ninjutsu, Hatsumi Masaaki. Our courses are developed from the Ten Chi Jin Ryaku no Maki program, a complete learning manual from the Togakure Ryu Ninpo school of Bujinkan Japan. At your own pace and at your level, we will guide you through the practice of natural body movements "Taihen jutsu", close combat techniques "Ninpo Taijutsu", various striking techniques "Atemi", throws and immobilizations, strangulation techniques, use of Ninja weapons (Shuko, Gusari, Shuriken, etc.) and much more! Don't delay, join us now FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE PRIVATE COACHING Personal Trainer Ninjutsu 17 years old in Japan, expert in the art of Ninjutsu and Ninjas, with over twenty years of experience teaching, training, and a deep understanding of the techniques and philosophy of the Togakure Ryu Ninpo school passionate about Bujinkan Japan, we also offer individual and group private lessons. Please book two weeks in advance before your visit to Kyoto. Our private Ninjutsu classes and various coaching offer a highly personalized experience to meet your specific needs. Whether you want to hone your skills, prepare yourself physically and mentally, or explore particular aspects of Ninjutsu, we are here to help. You can choose to take these classes outdoors, surrounded by nature in the Sakura no Mori forest and in the mountains for an even more immersive experience, or in a closed and secure space like the dojo (reservation of 3 hours minimum required) Ninjutsu Kyoto YOUTUBE Contact Formular NinjutsuKyoto Location: cherry blossom forest SAKURA NO MORI 桜の森 〒606-0037 Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City 5 minutes walk from Kokusaikaikan station, Name Phone Subject Send Thank you for your submission NinjutsuKyoto Instructor profil Instructor profile Mr Pailliette Jérôme 忍術京の都指導者 ShidoSha (Instructor) Resides in the northern district of Sakyo, Kyoto Born in 1973 in the suburbs of Paris, France Began martial arts at the age of 8 with Shotokan Karate From the age of 15, dedicated himself entirely to the study and practice of Ninjutsu (Bujinkan) Since 1999, has made numerous trips to Japan to improve his skills, attend classes and seminars, and receive instruction from Grandmaster Hatsumi Masaaki at the Bujinkan Hombu Dojo Passionate about traditional Japanese culture and Mikkyo, he settled permanently in Kyoto in 2006 In 2010, began teaching Ninjutsu at the Kamigamo Kaikan Dojo and continues to teach in nature today Has taught Ninjutsu and self-defense in various sports clubs in Kyoto Participates in various articles and TV shows: Kyoto Shimbun, Sankei Shimbun, Kansai TV Yoi Don Interviewed by Kyoto TV, etc. ​🇯🇵 忍術京都秘伝 " "Forget about glory, comfort, profit, and others' honors. In the shadows, remain true to yourself, and with an immovable spirit "不動心", cultivate a pure and sincere heart throughout your life. With knowledge and natural justice, advance on the path of awakening towards the divine light. Train every day and persevere as if it were the last, for only perfect mastery of Ninjutsu combat techniques can determine your true level, and facing danger allow you to stay alive." Jérôme Pailliette 🙏" ​生きられる感覚を修得するのが忍法だ

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