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Writer's picture忍術京都

The Teachings of Master Hatsumi Masaaki: Reflection and Insights on Gratitude Towards Parents and the Power of Prayers

September 29, 2024, is a special day. Today marks exactly 17 years since Master Hatsumi Masaaki, 34th Soke of Togakure Ryu Ninpo, wrote a deeply personal and touching text on September 29, 2007. This message reflects on childhood memories, health struggles, and, above all, the love and protection received from his parents.

In his reflection, Master Hatsumi Masaaki recalls how his father, who worked at Tsukiji fish market, prayed for his health and built a large lion-shaped palanquin (a sacred palanquin to protect him from illness and misfortune) and another sacred palanquin in the shape of a frog. These images of the sacred palanquins remain vividly engraved in the heart of the master, symbolizing the love and dedication of his parents through the prayers they offered to protect him.

The Power of Parental Love

The words of Master Hatsumi Masaaki remind us how important parental love, prayers, and the protective actions of our parents are in our lives. Throughout life, we often face challenges, health issues, or moments of uncertainty. It is during these times that we most strongly feel the impact of the prayers offered by those who love us, just as Master Hatsumi experienced through his own upbringing.

Our parents, whether they are still with us or have passed on, continue to influence our lives through their teachings, love, and guidance. This unconditional love and prayer support us, even when we may not visibly see it. Their actions, whether physical or spiritual, serve as essential pillars in our growth and inner peace.

The Importance of Gratitude

As we reflect on this day, it is important to recognize the significance of gratitude. Acknowledging and being grateful for the love and sacrifices of our parents is not only a way to honor them but also a means of deepening our own inner peace and stability. Gratitude strengthens us and provides greater calm as we face daily challenges.

Master Hatsumi Masaaki also prayed for the world to be "umaku" (all right, 馬九), using a wordplay involving "nine horses," a reference to Kukishin-ryu. This prayer for harmony and balance in the world encourages us to recognize the spiritual connection between our personal lives and the larger world.


Original Text by Master Hatsumi Masaaki:

"When my mother was in school she was a good student, beautiful, and loved to play tennis. My father was a wholesale fishmonger at Tsukiji fish market and had a typical 'Edokko' character; he also loved women and sake. So, of course, through that influence I ended up loving the same things. When I was very young I was quite ill because of my weak constitution. My father prayed for me to be healthy, and so he built a big lion as a sacred palanquin (to protect me from illness and misfortune); he also built me a sacred palanquin that was a frog. The image of those sacred palanquins is still fondly burned in my heart.

My father once said, 'Tokyo is a place where even the eye of a live horse would be pulled out.' When looking at the eyes of my beloved horses Cooky and Tobi, I remember those words of my father.

I pray the world will be all right (umaku, 馬九—a pun on the word for 'all right,' written here with the characters for nine horses, relating back to Kukishin-ryu).

Written on the day of the tiger, the 29th day of the 9th month of the 19th year of Heisei.

—(signed) Venerable White Dragon"


On this September 29, 2024, we honor the parents who continue to love and protect us, and we express our deep gratitude for their love and care. They have given us the strength to overcome challenges and continue walking the path of life. Let us carry the wisdom and love they have passed down to us and pray for the world to find harmony and balance, as peace fills our hearts.

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